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This year is off to a racing start and so much has changed in such a short amount of time. In one month, I got a new job, adopted a cat, was diagnosed with an astigmatism and got glasses, held my mom's hand through a terrifying heart surgery journey, joined a sketch comedy team, and I somehow I feel lighter than ever. I am sure I will feel the effects of the whiplash once everything calms down. Oh! I also got a pap smear in the middle of it all!!! Go make your appointments for those kind of check-ups, they're important. Coochie peace is world peace, I always say! I have been thinking a lot about my goals for this year and what I want to say on here. The one thing they teach you as a writer or filmmaker is that if you begin a project, you need to make sure that you have something to say, and that something better be good. This blog began in 2020 when the pandemic was raging on and we were confined to our homes, unsure if we would ever be able to change out of our jammies again. I began meeting so many writers on twitter and used this space to post my conversations with them. I loved meeting and talking to those who had different life experiences, and I loved sharing them on here! I still want to do that, and I have a post coming later this month that I can't wait to finalize. But! I do find myself wanting to write more and more about my personal experiences and about things I am learning along the way. Part of me hasn't done that yet because I feel like no one cares about what I'm up to, and I'm also not sure those who will read it will find it interesting. I love keeping up with films, taking the temperature on pop-culture, and writing personal posts like this one. I love writing, and if I hang back waiting for the moment where I feel comfortable enough to share my personal pieces, I will be waiting for the rest of my life. I hope 2023 is good to you and I can't wait to put some more "content" on here.

Parasocially yours,



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