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No.1 October 22, 2020

Welcome!!! This is my very first blog post and wow! I gotta say I am happy to be here! If you are reading this, you are probably a writer or actor or filmmaker or some sort of creative!

2020 is almost over and this was quite the year to say the least. One thing this year has brought me was a community of screenwriters on twitter and over time I have made such amazing friendships on that crazy website! There are so many incredible writers on there who have such great ideas for stories and I wish I could see them all on my tv right now. Each week on twitter there are hashtag parties for the #writingcommunity where we all tweet what we are working on, share writing tips, talk about how to overcome writer’s block, hold mental health check-ins, and sometimes we swap cat photos just for fun! It has been one of the most loving support systems I have come across and I want to spread it around!

In those “what are you working on” tweets, you can only explain your work in progress (or “WIP” for rookies like me who had no idea what that abbreviation was…) in 280 characters or less. I thought it would be a cool idea to take those tweets and make them into mini interviews so that everyone can see what everyone else is working on, where we come from, and how we are all doing in general.

I’m not sure where this blog will go, but I’m excited to feature writers on here! Let the games begin! Also… let’s swap some cat pics!




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