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Weekend Round Up!

Hi friends! It is Sunday and I have done everything possible to prepare for the week ahead. I had such a great weekend and I'm bummed it's over. Here's what I'm up to and what I have been consuming, some film related and other random things!

The Batman Team Edward Forever! This is now on HBOMax and we snuggled up on the couch and watched the HECK out of it. 45 minutes into this film I did a plot points sequence scale in my head and realized that we were only just at the beginning of the film. This movie is 3 hours long! I know I am so late to the party but I didn't know the length OR that Something In The Way by Nirvana would be a featured song! Such an unexpected (and cool!) choice. Also the Paul Dano surprise (or jumpscare?) caught me off guard! I loved it and can't wait to watch it again. I'll schedule my day around it and maybe make dinner beforehand next time. 10/10 Batpoints!

Animal Crossing This is not film related but there was a massive meteor shower on my island Saturday night and I had great fun running around on my little Switch. Is this too niche for this blog? 10/10 stalk market points!

Community I watched this series a while back, and was bummed once it was over. I started it again from the beginning today while folding laundry and doing my Sunday clean up. The comedy is evergreen and truly amazing. Also...... I am happy that we have come a long way from the fashion choices that were popular in 2009. Why were we layering 3 thin shirts at a time? 8/10 deducting points because fashion.

The New York Mets On Friday, April 29th the New York Mets had their first combined no-hitter in franchise history! Yay! They are now currently in 1st place in the NL East. Lets Go Mets!!! I'm still recovering from the sadness of their 2015 season, and I'm hoping for the best this year. 10/10 baseball points!

Pirates of the Caribbean All this discourse in the news about Johnny Depp has made me want to watch this movie again, and twenty years later, it really does hold up! It dawned on me that I never actually knew the plot of this movie until this last re-watch! Fun for the whole family 10/10 pirate points!

Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid I listened to the audiobook and it was really great and gave me a lot to think about regarding the wealth gap and white guilt. Be warned: this book is incredibly infuriating, and if you've read it you'll know why. Protect your texts and phones while at other people's houses, everyone! The rights to this book have been bought by Lena Waithe, and I would love to see it on the big (or streaming) screen sometime soon! 10/10 grocery points!

Smartless Podcast This pod has been out for a while now, but I am just now jumping on the train! The hosts are hilarious and they are pros at bantering. I listened to the Michael Lewis episode at the recommendation of the Mad About Movies Podcast (another great one!) and I found the episode equal parts uplifting and moving. My one critique of this pod, after scrolling through all the episodes, is that they NEED to be inviting more women celebs onto this pod. The contrast is quite stark! 7/10 please don't send me hate for this!

Iced Coffee This isn't a film or a movie, but I have been literally consuming so much coffee these days! I have never been a coffee drinker EVER, but I am back in the office where they have a fancy coffee maker and a fridge full of every milk you could dream of. I never have coffee because I don't like black coffee and I'm lactose intolerant and can't put milk in anything. Well, my job has oat milk, almond milk, and cashew milk! I love hazelnut coffee with oat milk and when I say it out loud like this it makes me so embarrassed! Why so high maintenance? But it is delicious and makes me feel more awake! And with caramel or (dairy free) whipped cream? It tastes more like a dessert than anything, and is socially acceptable to have at 7 in the morning. 15/10 caffeine points!

That's all! I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead! Toodles and ta-ta for now!


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